About The Open Market - The Open Market
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The Open Market provide SaaS to businesses designed to make life easier for business and people.

We are a design focused business developing not just functional but amazing clean elegant solutions.

based between the City and Canary Wharf our roof garden has some spectacular views of London, which inspire, motivate and drive our team with real blue sky thinking!

Simple solutions to everyday problems

We believe in making applications, which go beyond the present anything our ever imagined, amazing them at every click and swipe creating truly elegant solutions, which not only increase productivity but actually empower control. As we continue to grow, we are building on our expediencies both technical and everyday to develop solutions and relishing in discovering new ones. Our people, our inspired business partners, and our passion to consistently innovate to deliver amazing applications lie at the heart of this vision. It is therefore our responsibility and our promise to our employees, partners and customers to provide them with fantastic applications, value and growth for the partnership they entrust us with.

TEAM APP is a suite of products designed to make management of work simple and hassle free.

Using technology to improve team interaction, productivity and efficiency throughout your workflow.

Keep an entire organisation organised yet allowing each team member to priorties their own schedule and workflow while still adhering to common goals and deadlines of the organisation, with the ability to be “on the same page” with all team members.

Functional Products not

just about clicking an add!

Thu – 23rd – Fri – 24th  17:00 – 19:00

Designing and building applications which challenge convention, increase productivity

and aim to solve real life problems…… life isn’t all about clicking an add.

Event Programme

Introduction to work.management and how we are rethinking the following;

  • Recruitment and privacy
  • People/Project and work management
  • Leave management
  • Expense Management
  • Live demonstration of pre-launch apps

TALENTS Reinventing the job search platform from the ground up!

Using big data technology to search 1,000’s of positions, allowing employers more view more than the conventional CV, whilst all the time putting the control firmly in the hands of the candidate.

The emphasis is defiantly on function and usefulness rather gimmicky toys allowing employers to sort the chaff from the wheat.  With powerful alerts and matching tools, Talents is more marriage bureau than jobs board.