Team - The Open Market
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team is a suite of applications designed to make management of work simple

Using technology to improve team interaction, productivity and efficiency throughout your workflow.

Keep an entire organisation organised yet allowing each team member to priorties their own schedule and workflow

whilst still adhering to common goals and deadlines of the organisation, with the ability to be “on the same page” with all team members.

TEAM APP is a suite of products designed to make management of work simple and hassle free.

Using technology to improve team interaction, productivity and efficiency throughout your workflow.

Keep an entire organisation organised yet allowing each team member to priorties their own schedule and workflow while still adhering to common goals and deadlines of the organisation, with the ability to be “on the same page” with all team members.


Do away with to do list, create tasks for work you plan to do or need to collaborate with colleagues


Manage projects with task list work in collaboration with team members, monitor project progress, view at risk projects at a glance


Keep up to date with work conversations, project progress in real-time without email


Manage leave in a way enterprise fashion without the hassle of completing absence forms getting them signed by line manager then passing to HR “cut the tape without cutting the control”


Record expenses on the fly, save the monthly chore of looking for receipts with upload as you go, expenses are submitted directly to line manager for authorisation then to accounting for settlement


Manage shift work the open market way, advertise available shifts allow employees to choose their desired shifts, trade shifts promote hot shifts, never miss a shift with our SMS reminder of up coming shift, work in multiple branches

Manage work the way you work